• Savoir dire non est un art difficile. Mais le maîtriser, c'est peut-être s'assurer une vie pleine et plus heureuse.

    Ma prière aujourd'hui? Offrir des fleurs à une personne qui, jamais au grand jamais, ne pourrait s'attendre à un tel geste. Gratuit. Imprévu. Sans arrière-pensée.

    Protection totale Le port du préservatit peut être érotique. À moins d'être marié ou engagé dans une relation de couple impliquant une totale et réciproque fidélité, une vie sexuelle active exige l'emploi systématique de préservatifs. Vous avez toutes les chances que les virus des hépatites B et C, de l'herpès, et bien sûr du sida ne viennent pas semer le désordre ou la mort dans votre système si vous utilisez régulièrement des préservatifs. C'est aussi simple que ça. La vérité? Les gars ont souvent peur de perdre leur érection pendant la pose de la capote, et les filles ont souvent peur de passer pour téteuse en insistant pour le port de la capote. Considérons maintenant le problème sous un autre angle. Par exemple, en estimant que l'acte d'enfiler un préservatif est un art érotique en lui-même... Imaginez que le préservatif est un accessoire hautement érotique et que le fait de l'utiliser est non seulement branché, mais terriblement sexy (après tout, les modes changent suivant la façon de perce-voir les choses). Imaginez-vous ou votre partenaire en train d'enfiler une capote avec une infinie délicatesse et sensualité. Imaginez que l'érection est accrue (considérablement) de par ce fait. Il n'y a rien d'aberrant à cela. Nombre d'accessoires érotiques sont loin d'être aussi confortables. Faites partager à vos partenaires ce petit exercice d'imagination. La capote, c'est «in»!

    Selon l'entraîneur d'une grande équipe allemande, le sexe avant une course est excellent pour les femmes. "C'est très bon pour les sprinteuses dit Uwe Hakus. Le Rheinische Post écrit que le niveau de testosterone augmente chez les femmes quand elles font l'amour. Attention toutefois, ça peut réduire la concentration...

    BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Les germes Les femmes disent qu'embrasser peut transmettre des germes. C'est ainsi qu'elles ont attrappé leur mari. * * * L'idiote Le mari dit à son épouse : - Tu parles comme une idiote. L'épouse : - Je parle pour que tu me comprennes. * * * Problème d'alcool Le médecin : - Je ne peux réellement voir quel est votre problème. Ce doit être une affaire de boisson. Le client : - Très bien, docteur, je reviendrai quand vous serez sobre.

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    Préparer une grande casserole, Couper les mots de colère, garder ceux qui sont adoucissants, équilibrants et apaisants, Brosser, peler et laver égoïsme, Hacher les conflits et la froideur, Enlever la peau de la contrariété et celle des ressentiments avant cuisson, Rejeter le mauvais, annuler le négatif, Combiner le respect et la courtoisie, Ajouter une très grosse canne d'affections, Une bouteille pleine de délicatesses, Mesurer un gros contenant plein de bon sens, Mettre le bouillon de la politesse bien dégraissé de l'inattention, Un cube d'accessibilité, Mêler la bonne attitude, la vitalité, l'enthousiasme, Mettre un bouquet garni de paroles aimables, Parsemer de poudre de disponibilité, Saupoudrer de beaucoup, beaucoup d'amour, accompagné d'une voix douce, Ne pas mettre trop de reproches, attention, ça gâterait le tout, L' ajout de la cordialité donne un très bon petit goût, On peut varier avec la convivialité, Certains préfèrent avec un soupçon d'étreintes, Remuer délicatement, Épaissir pour lui donner la texture veloutée de la tendresse, Incorporer petit à petit l'humour, Encore meilleure si on a préalablement prévu la bienveillance. À feu doux, et porter à ébullition l'émerveillement, Réduire le feu des arrières-pensées, Laisser mijoter le don de soi et les p'tits bonheurs, Poursuivre la cuisson dans une ambiance sereine et chaleureuse. Un parfum agréable de compréhension se propagera dans toute la maisonnée. varier les saveurs. Et sortez votre plus belle soupière ! Une soupe exquise, saine, équilibrée, bonne à se délecter, chaude et très réconfortante. Une recette appétissante, nourrissante et adaptable à toute la famille. On peut l'accompagner de biscuits de gestes sympathiques ou de croûtons de finesses, et d'un filet de bon accueil. Déguster le plaisir de vous sentir rassasié. Très bon choix lorsqu'on reçoit la visite à souper.

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    : MOST INTERESTING POST : A Guy from Saudi Arabia wanted to show the approx size of Adam (A.S) by making a garment in his size. This was the idea of Hamdan with the help of 4 tailors. It took 18 days and 40 rolls of cloths were needed. The length of the garment is 29 meters: 9m between the shoulders, 12m width of the bottom, 10m length of the sleeves and 2m width of neck. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“Allah created Adam and he was sixty cubits tall. Then He said, ‘Go and greet those angels and listen to how they greet you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your progeny.’ He said, ‘Al- salaamu ‘alaykum (Peace be upon you).’ They said, ‘Al-salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allah (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah).’ So they added the words ‘wa rahmat Allaah.’ And everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. People kept on growing smaller until now.” ( book of stories of prophets sahih bukhari hadith no.543)

    ‫ # Ramadan goodness | ‫ # interpretation Facilitator | interpreted Surat ‫ # cow verse {45 - 50} God's blessing complete interpretation of Sura Verse: who think they Mlaqo the Lord, and they are to Him we return (46) Who fear God and hope for what he has, and certain of they Mlaqo the Lord Almighty after death, and they are to Him we shall return the Day of Judgment for the account and the penalty. Verse: O Children of Israel, remember My favor favored you, and I made you excel on the Worlds (47) O descendants of Jacob, many remember Naomi upon you, and be grateful to me, and I remembered that I made you excel on a heavily Zmancm global prophets, books Manzala كالتوراة and the Gospel. Verse: And fear not rewarded the same day for the same thing which does not accept the intercession not taken them justice, nor will they be helped (48) And fear the day of judgment, does not sing one day for one thing, and does not accept God's intercession in the unbelievers, and does not accept them ransom, even if the funds earth, and does not have one in this day to advance to their victory and save them from the torment. Verse: Taking نجيناكم of the Pharaoh hard tasks and torment slaughtered your sons and sparing your women in that was from your Lord (49) And remember Namtna, you while Onqznakm from the oppression of Pharaoh and his followers, They Iviconkm the greatest torment, Victron of slaughter your sons and daughters left the service and disrespectful. In this test you from your Lord, In an Anjaúkm to a great blessing, requiring thanked God in each Asurkm and generations. Verse: Taking our Welcome sea Vonginakm the teams and drowned Pharaoh and you look (50) And remember Namtna, you, while our class sakes, sea, and made it ways withered, Fbertm, the and Onqznakm of Pharaoh and his soldiers, and the loss in the water. When he entered Pharaoh and soldiers your ways أهلكناهم, the water in front of your eyes.

    A new study from the University of Central Lancashire has revealed that the noise a woman might make during sex does not often correspond with her climax but may have to do with her partner. It found a woman's copulatory vocalisations' are made most often before her climax or during her partner's. The findings were based on analysis of 71 women with an average age of 22. The study aimed to identify whether a woman's vocal expressions during sex were triggered by climax or occurred independently. Most women polled said they reached climax during initial sex activities, but were most likely to vocalise their enjoyment during their partner's. The researchers believe the reason for this discrepancy is that women are manipulating male behaviour to their advantage . These data together clearly demonstrate a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing their climax and making sex vocalisations and indicate that there is at least an element of these responses that are under conscious control, providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behaviour to their advantage, the Daily Mail quoted the researchers as writing. Another suggestion is that women are conforming to an idealised sexual script'. Women appear to vocalize during sex not to express their own enjoyment so much as to help the man reach climax, Dr John Grohol, founder of website Psych Central, said. Maybe these vocalizations are a part of that idealized sexual script, or at least done in response to what women believe their male partner wants, he added.

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    Kim Kardashian has shared her top tips for losing weight, advising people to "get a work out buddy". The reality TV star has enlisted her sister to encourage her with her weight loss. The pair work out together as they both over-indulged over the Thanksgiving period. "The best way to get motivated is to find a friend to workout with you," Kim revealed on her blog. "Ask a friend or relative if they want to work out together." The style icon gave her fans other motivational secrets to help kick start a post Thanksgiving diet. The clothes designer and trendsetter confessed that nothing gets her focused on a weight loss plan quite like a shopping spree. "There are tons of deals in stores and online so treat yourself to a new workout outfit or some new sneakers that will get you motivated to hit the gym," she said. The curvy star finds the turkey dinner leftovers irresistible like everyone else. Kim firmly told her fans to stay well clear of tempting treats if they want to see some results. "As delicious as they are, Thanksgiving is over," Kim ranted. "You don't need to eat those leftovers! Don't beat yourself up, but stay focused, we all gain a few pounds here or there during the holidays, and that's fine. But get back into your regular lifestyle and focus on eating healthier and limiting your 'treats'… after all, Christmas is just around the corner." Her final insight into losing the pounds is to increase water consumption, which she says is the key to stopping bloating. "Drink more water," Kim finished."You'd be surprised the difference drinking more water can make to your weightloss mission and workouts. Most of us don't drink enough, and you've probably been avoiding water these last few days and treating yourself to sodas, alcohol and yummy holiday drinks. 2.2 litres (about 9 cups) per day of water is what you should be drinking, so strive for that." Here's a delightful gallery featuring nothing but pictures of Kim Kardashian's butts in the last couple of months -- or as I call it: the eighth and ninth Wonder of the World. It's that big, my friends. It's that big. We have featured Kim Kardashian's hips before as well (you can watch them here), but this gllery features only her latest outings and visit to dinners, parties, events and beaches.МОЙ НОВЫЙ КОЛЛАЖ В КОРЕЛЕ (13)

    http://www.albetaqa.com/images/winrar.gifقد تُرى ليلة القدر لمن وفقه الله سبحانه وذلك برؤية أماراتها، وكان الصحابة رضي الله عنهم يستدلون عليها بعلامات، ولكن عدم رؤيتها لا يمنع حصول فضلها لمن قامها إيماناً واحتساباً، فالمسلم ينبغي له أن يجتهد في تحريها في العشر الأواخر من رمضان – كما أمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أصحابه بذلك – طلباً للأجر والثواب فإذا صادف قيامه إيماناً واحتساباً هذه الليلة نال أجرها وإن لم يعلمها. قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((من قام ليلة القدر إيماناً واحتساباً غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه)) رواه البخاري ومسلم، وفي رواية أخرى خارج الصحيحين: ((... من قامها ابتغاءها ثم وُفِّقَت له غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه وما تأخر)) . وقد ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ما يدل على أن من علاماتها طلوع الشمس صبيحتها لا شعاع لها، وكان أبي بن كعب يقسم على أنها ليلة سبع وعشرين، ويستدل بهذه العلامة، والراجح أنها متنقلة في ليالي العشر كلها، وأوتارها أحرى، وليلة سبع وعشرين آكد الأوتار في ذلك، ومن اجتهد في العشر كلها في الصلاة والقراءة والدعاء وغير ذلك من وجوه الخير، أدرك ليلة القدر بلا شك، وفاز بما وعد الله به من قامها إذا فعل ذلك إيماناً واحتساباً. والله ولي التوفيق، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه. الشيخ عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله بن باز وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعينhttp://www.albetaqa.com/images/winrar.gif may see much of the night for those and jurisprudence of God Almighty and the vision of its signs, and may God be pleased with them يستدلون marks, but the lack does not prevent vision for its virtues to those who قامها faith and hope of reward, Muslim should to strive investigated in the last ten days of Ramadan - also ordered the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions that - a request for the reward and the reward if he encountered faith and anticipation of this night won the reward though no one knows. He said peace be upon him: ((of the Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his past sins)) Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, in the novel outside correct: ((... from قامها Aptghaeha and then hyped him forgiven his sins and overdue)). It was proven that the Prophet peace be upon him indicates that the markings sunrise Sbihtha not beam her, and my father was Ben heel divided as night twenty-seven, and inferred this tag, correct it mobile in ten nights all, أوتارها more likely, and one night twenty-seven stressed tendons in it, and worked hard in the last ten are all in prayer and reading and praying, and other charitable causes, he realized much of the night without a doubt, and won what God promised to do of قامها if to do so in faith and hope of reward. God is the source of strength, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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