• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRlqjUIjryI

    Life is full of tough choices, and the more options we have, the greater the difficulty of obtaining the best choice. What are the factors that you should take into consideration when you choose? Some of the most challenging decisions in the face of the person in his life involves an ethical dilemma. Complex morality term is difficult to select. More simply, ethical decision is the one who can help you and others at the same time. There is no specific formula to make a moral decision, but there are different factors that often have influence in the options taken by the person. Religion: Religion is an important factor in making ethical decisions. Low for people, faith is one of the biggest factors in helping them through any ethical dilemma. One of the important things that doeth religion is he sets out to his followers how they should live in this world. Believers in all religions know that God is watching them at all times, so they need to make the right decision whatsoever. And in difficult situations turn to God, pray to show them what they were supposed to do to choose the right choice. Religious person the right to uphold the right choice, which he did not get angry God first before everything. Community: the community in which they live and interact with a large impact on the way that makes decisions when choosing. There is often pressure in most societies "to do the right thing" when they are in an ethical dilemma. This usually means the individual work, who would prefer the interest of all to himself. When an individual alone, away from the pressure, it can sometimes be more likely to do things that will benefit them alone and prefer to himself while hurting others. Similarly, if your social effects do not bother with the help of others, then you will be less interested in thinking Tatergrark on others. To summarize, the culture and the people in the immediate surroundings can affect you in making decisions when choosing. Work ethic: in the workplace, the ethics of the person are formed depending on the standards and the pressures placed upon employers. For example, some of the business that wants to be profitable to do so at the expense of consumers. This message may conflict with society "do the right thing." Companies may encourage employees to work in a certain way, and workers in the company is likely to cooperate with them if they want to keep their job. Ethos: It describes the way we see the world society. Every worker of the previous three factors constitute a community spirit within you, but there are many other factors that contribute to it as well, such as education and how I was raised in a family. Your community spirit is your opinion, and this means that each person has a unique look. If two people looking at the world differently, the different conclusions will come about what needs to be done in a certain position. For example, if a person has a global perspective on the values ​​of hard work and focus on personal success, he may not want to help a homeless person and ask him is that it works and finds to find shelter. On the contrary, a person who grew up to help those in need to help Séra to help a homeless person who feels that this is his duty as a person capable of. Both sides will Iatkda the they Atkhama the right decision, but because of the various community spirit came different conclusions reflected the attitudes of cost. Steps the right choice: Think of what you are doing before you do: As it happens, our mind is dual to some extent. It can react very quickly when you deal with a couple of options, especially when one is clearly better. Do you stand here and inundated with rising waters or jump on those high rock and I will be safe? Of course choice is easy and clear., Of course, will jump on high rock so as not to sink. When there are more options, Similar us نحتار and stop. If you had to choose between jumping on the rocks or climbing a tree to shelter from the water, we do not know what is the most appropriate and clearly better, and research shows that most people are confused and would not choose anything when faced with several options equally good. Whether the problem of personal choice or something related to work, do not do anything impulsively without thinking about the results, and planning for how to do what is required. Some of the consequences can be severe, but sometimes it is worth it, and this is what you have to decide for yourself. Can practice, and experience, to help us make these decisions, and fortunately we do not normally face immediate choice between life and death - always have to have plenty of time to think and examine and analyze the decision to take the choice. Deepen the pros and cons: The old way is when the choice is made for list Balaijaaat and negatives. Put each in two columns متواجهين a piece of paper and write down all the positive things that will come from the selection process in a column, and all the negative things in the other. In the end, most side is the one who wins. But this strategy does not take into account the different weight of each point is positive or negative. Features may be over, but morally may cause harm to others, or harm the reputation or the passage of time lead to bad results. This must be clear and list describes the advantages and what it means for you and others flaws and over the possibility modified to be the best. Should analyze the pros and cons and see signed and its impact on the benefit. Do not overload in thinking about trivial things: Do not be nervous when you choose between small objects, which require small decisions, and that do not affect your life too much. You must know what is important enough to deserve you to think well about it. Excessive thinking cause stress and stress, which is very bad when you choose not wasting energy on pettiness. Study and analyzed the results: When you make a choice, requires taking some time to look at the result you expect. Consider every option summoned asking the following questions: What are the potential outcome of this choice? What are the results of which are unlikely to get it? What are the possible consequences of not choose this decision? What would be the result if you choose just the opposite? Thinking in terms of long-term outcomes - and expand your thinking to include the negative consequences - can help you find clarity and direction during face a big decision. Ask why - five times: ask why something failed, repeatedly, will make deepening more and eventually get to the root cause which led to the failure. Although the question why the situation as a way to solve problems, but to answer it you'll learn about five reasons will help you determine whether the choice that you think about it in line with the core values ​​and your principles or not. For example: Why should I accept this position? It pays well and offers me a chance to grow. To Mamaémk it? Because I want to build a career and not just a series of jobs that do not make sense. Why? Because I want to have my life meaning. Why? So I can be happy. Why? Because this is the most important thing in life. Note that you sometimes change how you ask "why" to keep the questions centered within what you want to decide about is the acceptance function instead of scattering to external factors irrelevant. Will help you the question, "Why pay this function well and provide you with an opportunity for growth" because the important thing is they do it, and why not do it does not differentiate you. Believe in yourself and your inner sense: Listen to your inner sense, and you are considering any major decision and decisively. Must be to have confidence in yourself and your intuition procedure. You are the only person who can trust that he wants the best for you, it is you yourself. Listen to intuition, is to try to listen to what we feel deep within us. When we choose, we must try to be vigilant of feelings and emotions caused by the different options within us, whether it is a sense of relief or upset? UMD or gravity? ... Research shows that people who make decisions quickly, even when Evtkaroa to information, tend to be more satisfied with their decisions, from the people who are conducting research and weigh their options carefully. Some of this difference is simply in the presence of a lower level of stress when making the decision, which a lot of it comes from the way the mind works. The benefit of listening to the intuition that gives you confidence in your own judgment. It helps you to judge whether this person or this opportunity is more correct for you .. Even if it does not seem as well as on paper. You feel comfortable to you make a particular decision is the intuition that whispers to you that a sound decision. But that does not mean that the rest of the steps they are all neglected complement the way to the proper selection. Choice is yours: Whatever method you use in the process of reaching a decision, the satisfaction of the decision depends largely on whether you recognized that you are the owner of the decision and have the choice. If you feel you are compelled to option or you are not in control of the situation, you'll find even positive results will become colorful negatively. On the other hand, if the bore full responsibility for the choice even that failed the choice will feel like a success - because you know you did your best and will be gained valuable experience for next time enables you to avoid the error in the decision-making choice. Most importantly avoid the reckless decisions. Do not decide something and you Thaer feelings, wait several days to be sure of what you want, and wait for it to subside before making a final decision and improved choice. Read the article on the new blog: http://www.gadyd.com/2013/07/blog-post_1514.html

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    Une blonde est entré dans une animalerie et a demandé au propriétaire s'il avait des perroquets. Le propriétaire a répondu: «Désolé, je n'ai pas pour le moment." "Maudit!!" dit la blonde, "J'ai été invité à une fête costumée pour la première fois dans ma vie et je veux aller comme un pirate, et on m'a dit d'être aussi authentique que possible, d'où la nécessité pour le perroquet" a expliqué le blond. «Eh bien», a déclaré le propriétaire, «si vous revenez ici la semaine prochaine, plus précisément le jeudi, je m'attends à une expédition en Amérique du Sud et je serai en mesure de vous fournir avec un perroquet, c'est garanti." "Maudit!!" dit la blonde, "je ne peux pas venir ce jour-là ou peu de temps après." "Pourquoi pas?" Interrogé sur le propriétaire. "Parce que c'est le jour où je vais avoir ma jambe amputée!"







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    Ветер встретил прекрасный Цветок и влюбился в него. Пока он нежно ласкал Цветок, тот отвечал ему еще большей любовью, выраженной в цвете и аромате.

    Но Ветру показалось мало этого, и он решил: "Если я дам Цветку всю свою мощь и силу, то тот одарит меня чем-то еще большим".

    И он дохнул на Цветок мощным дыханием своей любви. Но Цветок не вынес бурной страсти и сломался. Ветер попытался поднять его и оживить, но не смог.

    Тогда он утих и задышал на Цветок нежным дыханием любви, но тот увядал на глазах.

    Закричал тогда Ветер:

    — Я отдал тебе всю мощь своей любви, а ты сломался! Видно, не было в тебе силы любви ко мне, а значит, ты не любил!

    Но Цветок ничего не ответил. Он умер.


    Тот, кто любит, должен помнить, что не силой и страстью измеряют Любовь, а нежностью и трепетным отношением.

    Лучше десять раз сдержаться, чем один раз сломать.






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    So in my life, there you are. I do not think either "I" or "me" I think the plural, I think that "we" The fact that we're so beautiful, so sweet that we I say more or "my" or "me" Because if it's mine, it's yours Instinctively, I say "our" Everything inside you, you are my others. As "my," "mine" As far as it belongs to me Replaced or "our." Plural, I became an apostle. There is no shortage of the agreement, Or between our souls and between our bodies. All reciprocal pronouns Each noun synecdoche. The past is broken, This is one The future seems so simple. Subjunctive objective. Conditional not, Unconditional replaced ego.http :/ / www.surprisse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/cveti31.htm http://pechenka.kz/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/wine-shokolad.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5642/46512483.7/0_6ec27_afd487c4_-1-XXL.jpg

    Quels sont les domaines de connaissance que la femme doit envahir? Peut elle être avocate et assurer la défense d’autres quand elle en est capable ?Louange à Allah La femme peut apprendre les affaires de sa religion et tout ce qui lui est utile dans sa vie et la prépare à devenir une épouse heureuse et une mère éducatrice. Si, après cela, elle bénéficie de circonstances favorables et se sent capable d’aller plus loin, il lui est permis d’acquérir d’autres connaissances. Rien ne l’empêche dans ce cas d’opter pour le métier d’enseignant dans les écoles féminines ou chez elle. La femme peut aussi apprendre la médecine et les soins infirmiers et se spécialiser dans le traitement des maladies féminines. Elle peut être médecin gynécologue ou infirmière afin que les femmes ne soient pas obligées de se faire consulter par des médecins hommes. Il est permis à la femme de prendre la défense d’un client dans une affaire quelconque, donc d’être avocate. Car le métier d’avocat consiste à défendre les intérêts d’autrui, ce qui est permis à la femme. Cependant l’exercice de ce métier connaît une certaine déviation à nos jours. En plus, son exercice implique le contact direct avec les hommes et la présence dans les salles d’audience entre autre. Or tout cela est interdit à la femme. C’est pourquoi il vaut mieux qu’elle cherche un autre métier aussi long temps que la situation du métier de l’avocat reste telle quelle. Allah le sait mieux.

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